Depth and Gaming

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Depth and Gaming

Gaming peripherals on a yellow background

Depth Cameras and Gaming For many people, their first introduction to a depth camera was with the release of the original Microsoft Kinect. The Kinect was a depth camera that utilized coded or structured light depth sensing techniques to evaluate the scene in front of the camera, allowing players to interact with games without the…

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Hands-on with Touchless UX

Hand touching virtual buttons

If you are thinking of replacing physical interfaces with touch free or touchless ones for safety reasons, there are a number of things to consider. In this post, we will cover some of the design considerations for touchless interfaces. The challenge In our daily lives there are many interfaces which require touch, from door handles…

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Skeletal Tracking Overview

Skeletal Tracking

Skeletal or Skeleton tracking is a term you may or may not have heard before – it has been around for some time, but in some cases if you have encountered it, you may not have realized the technology behind a unique interactive activity was tracking your skeleton. The Microsoft Kinect was one of the…

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Intel RealSense technology at the Edge

Human Computer Interaction and IOY with Intel RealSense

  Human Computer Interaction, the edge and the future. Today, we have a variety of ways that we interact with computers – from buttons and switches in our cars, to keyboards, mice, touchscreens and voice control. Most of the ways we interact with compute are very noticeable to us, and usually they are active –…

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Active Learning with Prowise and Intel RealSense Technology

Active Learning with Prowise and Intel RealSense Technology

For the child of today, while their classrooms may look a little different, their experience of education often has a lot in common with that of children fifty or even a hundred years ago. They sit at a desk in a classroom for much of their day, learning passively from books or teachers. While our understanding of how people learn has vastly expanded in that time period, educational techniques are slower to change and implement that understanding.

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