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Learn About the Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0

By Shirit Brook

Come visit and check what can be done with our Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 using the D415 and D435 cameras.

Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 is a cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300). The SDK allows depth and color streaming, and provides intrinsic and extrinsic calibration information. The library also offers synthetic streams (point cloud, depth aligned to color and vise-versa), and a built-in support for record and playback of streaming sessions.

Developer kits containing the necessary hardware to use this library are available for purchase.

What’s included in the SDK:

Tools for harnessing your depth camera’s capabilities including:

  • Intel® RealSense™ Viewer With this application, you can quickly access your Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera to view the depth stream, visualize point clouds, record and playback streams, configure your camera settings and much more.
  • Depth Quality Tool This application allows you to test the camera’s depth quality, including: standard deviation from plane fit, normalized RMS – the subpixel accuracy, distance accuracy and fill rate. You should be able to easily get and interpret several of the depth quality metrics and record and save the data for offline analysis.
  • Other Debug Tools as can be seen in the tools directory

Code Samples to Start Prototyping Quickly These simple examples demonstrate how to easily use the SDK to include code snippets that access the camera into your applications.

Wrappers: We provide a C, C++, Python, .NET, Node.js API, as well as integration with the following 3rd-party technologies: ROS, LabVIEW, OpenCV, PCL and more to come, including Unity and Matlab.

Please get the latest release and check the supported platforms, new features and capabilities, known issues, how to upgrade the Firmware and more.

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