Multiple depth cameras setup guide

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Multiple depth cameras setup guide

There are a number of reasons for wanting to combine multiple depth cameras for simultaneous live capture of scenes. For one, arranging depth sensors in an inward-facing configuration will allow for the simultaneous capture of both the front and back of objects, so that the real-time, whole surface volumes of objects can be captured. This…

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Open-Source Ethernet Networking for Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras

Depth Camera via Ethernet

Current Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras support using USB 2 or USB 3 to connect to host devices, but there are many situations where Ethernet might be a better decision – ethernet can offer the opportunity to connect devices using much longer cables of up to 100m, where USB can be limited to under 5m distance.…

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Intel RealSense Depth Cameras over Ethernet

In this whitepaper, Philip Krejov and Anders Grunnet-Jepsen delve into a concrete solution for depth over Gigabit Ethernet, using low-cost single board computers to operate as an intermediary, complete with source code and all the considerations you will need to take into account for your own system design to take full advantage.

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Virtual Assistant using depth cameras

Case Study: Animated Virtual Assistant (AVA) Download Meet AVA™ — a secure, touchless, self-service screening and protocol assistant developed by CloudConstable. Challenge Solution Results Challenge The global COVID-19 pandemic held challenges, not only for personal socialization, but also for the industries that thrive on human interaction. There has been a significant economic shift toward the…

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Vision AI for Advanced People Screening

Case Study: Thruvision Download Vision AI for Advanced People Screening Intel RealSense depth cameras power advanced security solutions for airport screening, loss prevention, customs and border control, and venue security. Challenge Solution Results Challenge Security teams at airports, entertainment venues, distribution centers, and many other high-traffic areas need a safe and efficient way to deter…

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How-to: Getting IMU data from D435i and T265

With the introduction of the Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435i and Tracking Camera T265, the librealsense SDK has been enhanced to support and effectively utilize the functionality provided by these new sensors.

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USB2 Support for Intel® RealSense™ Technology

Intel® RealSense™ is pleased to announce USB2 support on Intel® RealSense™ D400 Series cameras. Intel RealSense cameras will now be able to integrate into low power embedded designs like Raspberry Pi*. This is great news for anyone working with a small budget on lower frame rate and depth sensing projects. This integration allows independent developers, hobbyists,…

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