Hollywood and the Ncam Mk2 camera bar with Intel® RealSense™ Technology

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Hollywood and the Ncam Mk2 camera bar with Intel® RealSense™ Technology

Ncam Mk2 Camera Bar

In recent years, visual effects in movies and television have grown both more sophisticated and more ubiquitous. Audiences have grown used to elaborate environments and fantastical fight scenes, historical dramas and futuristic worlds. As audiences expect more, so film and virtual effects technology has to evolve to keep pushing the envelope without breaking budgets. Chroma…

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Facial Authentication. Intel RealSense ID.

Intel RealSense ID Overview Features Products Developers Tech Specs FAQs Watch VideoContact Sales Watch the Intel RealSense ID for Facial Authentication Webinar. Watch Webinar Intel RealSense ID for Facial Authentication Securely Unlock your World Intel® RealSense™ ID is an award-winning, trusted and accurate on-device facial authentication solution built on Intel’s leadership in vision technology and…

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Practical 3D Scanning with Dot3D Pro

What is 3D Scanning? 3D scanning has come a long way since the first ever object to be ‘scanned’ using students, paint and rulers. Even with the advent of more advanced techniques in the mid-1990s, 3D scanning was still slow and limited to small objects that could fit on a turntable – often also constrained by…

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The Intel® RealSense™ LiDAR Camera L515 in action

LiDAR Camera L515 in action at CES 2020

At the Consumer Electronics Show in 2020 this year, Intel® RealSense™ Technology had the opportunity to share the first views of the LiDAR Camera L515 in action. In this week’s blog we will showcase a few of the highlights and use cases for the L515. Skeletal Tracking One of the most useful features of all…

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Autonomous navigation using Intel® RealSense™ Technology

Autonomous Navigation

Most of us are familiar with the concept of autonomous, self-driving cars, but perhaps less familiar with other types of autonomous technology outside of science fiction. In 2019 the robotics market was valued at almost $40 billion dollars, which is forecast to grow by 25% in 2020. The commercial drone market is valued around $6…

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Robotics and Intel® RealSense™ Technology

Robomaker Blog

Getting started with Robotics Autonomous robots are complicated machines. There are many different systems needed for a robot to understand its environment, learn from it, and then take actions within that environment. Just one of those components can take time to understand, develop and integrate together. The earliest self-driving cars required racks of servers running…

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Meet Naked*, the Home Body Scanner based on Intel® RealSense™ Cameras

Home body scanning has arrived, and it’s powered by Intel® RealSense™ technology. From fad diets to step counters, there is no shortage of options for people looking to lose weight and improve their fitness on their own terms. Finding proof that these efforts are working is much more difficult. Weight alone is not a good…

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