Projection, Texture-Mapping and Occlusion with Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras

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Three Scanning Applications with ImFusion

Intel™ RealSense® Depth Cameras have a wide variety of use cases and applications, one of which is high quality real-time surface scanning. ImFusion, a Munich based company focused on computer vision and medical imaging solutions have recently added support for Intel™ RealSense® D400 series into its product lineup of 3D scanning and surface processing software.…

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High Dynamic Range with Stereoscopic Depth Cameras

If you have ever taken a photograph of a person in a dark environment using flash photography, you may have had the experience of disappointment with the resulting image – either the person Is over-exposed, or the background is under-exposed. Any situation where you are trying to capture a scene that includes both very dark…

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Turning homes into digital Smart Health Homes

Worldwide, population demographics are shifting, with a large cohort of retirees who want to stay in their own homes as long as possible. Meeting the increased demand for in-home health care is a challenge that Electronic Caregiver® aims to solve. Their solution, Addison Care™ is the technology that powers the company’s 3D, AI and voice-driven…

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How robotics is the next big thing

Robotic Automation

In a rapidly changing world, it’s hard to predict where technology will gain traction in different markets and when. It’s worth taking a look at those areas of robotics and automation that are likely to grow in the next few years, in part due to increased demand but also the increasing advances in robotics capabilities.…

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Depth image compression by colorization

One depth camera, running at 90 frames per second can generate millions of depth pixel data points per second. With such a large amount of data, there’s an obvious need for compression to assist with data storage and transmission, especially crucial when you move from single camera usages to multiple camera setups, like those used…

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Depth and food: data driven farming

Depth and food: data driven farming

Data is important. Whatever it is you are studying, it’s crucial to have as much, high quality and accurate data as possible. When it comes to food production and farming, there are so many different variables that collecting quality data is crucial to improve production, reduce waste, and improve quality and flavor. With challenges from…

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