Depth Camera D435

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Depth Camera D435

Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 Buy Depth Camera D435 The Intel® RealSense™ D435 offers the widest field of view of all our cameras, along with a global shutter on the depth sensor that is ideal for fast moving applications. A Powerful, Full‑featured Depth Camera The Intel® RealSense™ depth camera D435 is a stereo solution, offering quality depth for…

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Intel RealSense ID End User Agreement Terms

Intel RealSense ID End User License Agreement LICENSE. You have a license under Intel Corporation copyrights to copy Intel® RealSense™ ID Software in binary form, (with the accompanying documentation, the “Software”) for your organization’s internal use and only in connection with Intel® RealSense™ ID products for which the Software has been provided, subject to the…

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Building an AI-powered robotic arm assistant using D435

The Tabletop HandyBot is an AI-powered robotic arm assistant that carries out voice commands to bridge the digital and physical worlds. Chatbots powered by modern large language models (LLMs) have opened many people’s eyes to the possibility of machines handling life’s mundane tasks for us. With their advanced capabilities, these chatbots can automate a wide…

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The Beginner’s Guide to 3D Film Technologies

With growing interest in new immersive entertainment platforms like Virtual and Augmented reality, 3D photos on Facebook, 360° videos on YouTube and more, it can be hard to understand the nuances and differences between all of these different photo and video technologies, and even harder to know where to start if you’re someone who wants to create something new.

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Stereo depth, computer vision webinars and events

Intel® RealSense™ Technology Webinars & Events Sign-up for free webinars to learn more about Intel® RealSense™ Technology depth cameras, software and applications or join us at the events nearby. Coming soon We are preparing something interesting for you! Subscribe below to stay tuned and be notified of our next event or webinar. Subscribe for updates Watch the replays Unlock Your World…

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Turning homes into digital Smart Health Homes

Worldwide, population demographics are shifting, with a large cohort of retirees who want to stay in their own homes as long as possible. Meeting the increased demand for in-home health care is a challenge that Electronic Caregiver® aims to solve. Their solution, Addison Care™ is the technology that powers the company’s 3D, AI and voice-driven…

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Practical 3D Scanning with Dot3D Pro

What is 3D Scanning? 3D scanning has come a long way since the first ever object to be ‘scanned’ using students, paint and rulers. Even with the advent of more advanced techniques in the mid-1990s, 3D scanning was still slow and limited to small objects that could fit on a turntable – often also constrained by…

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