New Subpixel Linearity update for Intel® RealSense™ Depth cameras

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New Subpixel Linearity update for Intel® RealSense™ Depth cameras

When we measure how a depth camera performs, we look at numerous metrics, including the range, the depth noise, the accuracy, temporal noise, the XY resolution, and the depth (or Z) resolution, to name a few. Although it isn’t discussed as often, one of the most important features specific to stereo depth algorithms relates to…

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Optimizing the Intel RealSense LiDAR Camera L515 Range

Lidar Camera L515 range

This article will help you get the most out of your Intel® RealSense™ L515 LiDAR Camera. In this post we assume that the reader has basic knowledge of depth imaging and the many uses of depth in computer vision applications. If you are interested in a basic overview of depth, “The Beginner’s Guide to Depth”…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Intel RealSense Products

Frequently Asked Questions What can Intel® RealSense™ Technology be used for? Expand Intel® RealSense™ Technology can be used to give devices depth perception capabilities that will enable them to “see” and understand the world around them. There are many uses for these computer vision capabilities including autonomous drones and robots, virtual reality/augmented reality and other…

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Deep Learning for VR/AR: Body Tracking with Intel® RealSense™

Meetup Deep Learning for VR/AR: Body tracking with Intel® RealSense™ Technology Deep Learning for VR/AR: Body tracking with Intel® RealSense™ Technology Meetup Skeletal tracking first became viable as a product around 2011, since then, many different additional approaches to the problem have been explored, but almost all of them suffer from high compute usage –…

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How Intel® RealSense™ Technology is helping cultural preservation efforts

What is cultural preservation? Today’s world is increasingly well connected, whether that’s through technology like the internet, or increased travel and fluid immigration. Where once our societies may have remained virtually unchanged for centuries, divided by oceans, mountains and rivers, today we can talk to someone on the other side of the world instantly. We…

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Depth Camera D435i

Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435i Buy Depth Camera D435i Intel® RealSense™ depth camera D435i combines the robust depth sensing capabilities of the D435 with the addition of an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Adding an IMU allows your application to refine its depth awareness in any situation where the camera moves. This opens the door for rudimentary SLAM and tracking…

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